In my last post I shared a short dream which showed that we can take an event that is normally seen as a disaster and look at it with “different eyes.”  In the dream I’d like to share today, I was given a dream about possible big Earth changes and how we, as a people, were preparing for them.  There is an imperative to share this kind of dream.

I am dreaming about preparations for the big Earth changes. We are beginning to stockpile our food and migrate to the center of the continent – in this case, Africa.

There is the understanding that protecting the children is of the utmost importance. There is no panic. There is widespread cooperation with the plans. Everywhere villages are walking, moving, migrating.

There is the understanding that our homes will be poisoned by radiation and that the coastal areas will be flooded.

I had this dream in 1993.   It is interesting that scientists are currently talking about the probability of rising sea levels due to global warming and the subsequent melting ice caps and glaciers.  The accelerated rate at which ice is melting at both poles has indeed been noted.  The National Geographic currently predicts the oceans will rise between 2.5 and 6.5 feet before the year 2100 which would result in substantial flooding of coastal cities. And if the Greenland ice sheet melts, the rise in sea waters would be truly alarming – upwards of 23 feet.  (

Regarding the reference to radiation, generally speaking, the largest cities tend to be port cities.  And the need for electrical power in these cities is still often supplied by nuclear reactors, therefore it makes sense that there would be a greater danger from radioactive leaks within cities and along the coasts.  Sadly, the disaster at Fukishima shows that this is already coming to pass.

I am interested that I saw these migrations happening in Africa.  Perhaps that’s because people there may still be more open to receiving guidance and then acting upon that guidance.  Also, in Africa, it makes sense that people would be more likely to migrate on foot.

It is not my job, however, to interpret this dream or even to urge people to act upon it.  It is my responsibility to share it.  May you take from it what wisdom you will.

May each one of you be blessed.